Monday, November 4, 2013

Wearable Idea

I, for the most part, have my entire wearable project idea down. The hardest thing that I will have to do is figure out all of the coding that will be needed. I am the only person who bought the LCD screen so I wanted to incorporate it into my project. I also have a dark sense of humor and wanted that to come through with my project. The basic gist of my project is going to be a life monitor but in the way of a reverse life monitor. I am a smoker so I wanted to create a life monitor that would monitor how many seconds I am taking off my life after each cigarette. After some research I found out that for each cigarette puff you take you are loosing essentially 7 seconds of your life. I am going to compact the red board and everything else into a box that will be able to be worn or clipped onto the side of a persons pants. from the box will be a wire that will extend to a flex sensor that will connect to a persons elbow. Every time the wearer bends their elbow "simulating putting a cig to their mouth" a counter on the LCD will increase by 7.

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