Monday, November 18, 2013

So far.... wearable

So far this has been a very painstaking process. I got my LCD hooked up but coding and display has been an incredible struggle to overcome.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


I have decided that my wearable will not be sleek. Im looking at small coffin boxes to purchase to house the arduino. It must be a flex sensor the circuit idea doesnt pan well for me. im thinking of putting it under a wearable sleeve taken from a blood pressure reader. Other then that so far I have soldered my LCD screen so I have to make sure that a battery will be able to power my contraption.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Circuit 13

I attempted circuit 13 as homework. I say "attempted" because it did not work like it was supposed to. All that I was able to achieve was one LED lighting up but not turning off or switching to the next LED. I attempted to trouble shoot the problem I:

1.) disconnected and reconnected the circuit at least 3 times.

2.) I tested both LED's to make sure one of them wasn't burned out or malfunctioning

3.) I tried two different transistors

4.) I tried two diodes as well two relays both achieved the same results.

5.) I double checked the code but it was example code that was used and every time it verified successfully..

Wearable Idea

I, for the most part, have my entire wearable project idea down. The hardest thing that I will have to do is figure out all of the coding that will be needed. I am the only person who bought the LCD screen so I wanted to incorporate it into my project. I also have a dark sense of humor and wanted that to come through with my project. The basic gist of my project is going to be a life monitor but in the way of a reverse life monitor. I am a smoker so I wanted to create a life monitor that would monitor how many seconds I am taking off my life after each cigarette. After some research I found out that for each cigarette puff you take you are loosing essentially 7 seconds of your life. I am going to compact the red board and everything else into a box that will be able to be worn or clipped onto the side of a persons pants. from the box will be a wire that will extend to a flex sensor that will connect to a persons elbow. Every time the wearer bends their elbow "simulating putting a cig to their mouth" a counter on the LCD will increase by 7.